About Business Intelligence - ESR Hub

Welcome to the Business Intelligence functionality section

ESR Business Intelligence (ESR BI) is the reporting solution for ESR. It enables users to report on hundreds of data items, each sourced from ESR to give the NHS a fully flexible and efficient reporting solution. A suite of NHS Standard Dashboards and analyses (reports) are provided for NHS Organisations to utilise. 

In addition, ESRBI provides the capability for organisations to either customise NHS Standard Dashboards or create ad-hoc dashboards and analyses from scratch. The ESRBI Report Writers Guide is available on the ESR Hub and is provided as a reference document for users wishing to create or customise ESRBI dashboards and analyses in order to serve their organisation strategic and business requirements.


The ESR BI Alert functionality enables users to deliver alerts to the ESR BI Homepage/Dashboard or directly to an employee's email address. An ESR BI Agent can be designed to deliver alerts which can be used to monitor changes in key workforce areas such as Absence and Compliance. For example, an ESR BI Agent can be setup to deliver alerts to managers when their team Absence rate has exceeded a set target e.g. 10%. A number of Standard ESRBI Alerts covering various different areas of ESR are available within the ESR BI Catalog and users can create BI Agents for both local and national analyses/dashboards if required. Guidance is provided in the ESRBI ¿ Alerting guides available here on the ESR Hub. Below is an example of an 'Alerts' link displayed on the ESR BI header: 

Screenshot of a business intelligence alert

Portal Analyses

A number of national standard ESR BI portlets are available on the ESR Portal for use by NHS Organisations. It is however recognised that the national standard ESR BI portlets may not always meet local requirements hence Organisations may decide to create their own local portlet analyses. Guidance is provided in the ESRBI - Creating a Local Version of a National ESR BI Portlet guide is available on the ESR Hub. Standard Portlet analyses can be copied from the NHS Portal Dashboard Items folder within the ESR BI Catalog. Portlet analyses examples are provided below:

Manager user:

Screen shot of manager dashboard

HR user:

Screen shot of HR dashboard


A dashboard is an interactive visual representation of data in one or more analyses presented as charts, graphs or tables covering a range of related topics or subjects. A number of NHS Standard Dashboards are provided within the ESR BI Catalog for NHS Organisations to utilise and an example is provided below:

Screen shot of a business intelligence dashboard