E-learning technical information - ESR Hub

National E-learning Providers

Please see the below list of domains currently in use for national e-Learning content in ESR.

To ensure that learners are able to play and interact with e-Learning content, it is recommended that IT departments in organisations ensure that:

  • Their web filters allow communication with these domains
  • The domains are added to the Trusted Sites Security Zone in Microsoft Edge
Domain Description
my.esr.nhs.uk My ESR
cs1.e-learningforhealthcare.org.uk e-Learning for Healthcare Server
corelearning.skillsforhealth.org.uk National Skills Academy (Core Learning Unit)
www.scie.org.uk Social Care Institute for Excellence
www.roadmapeducation.online Electronic Staff Record Content
www.elearningrepository.nhs.uk NHS e-Learning Repository
ncsct.co.uk National Smoking Cessation Team
www.dls.nhs.uk IT Skills Pathway Training
content.learninghub.nhs.uk Learning Hub
content-lb.learninghub.nhs.uk Learning Hub

SCORM Adapters

SCORM Adapters

A number of SCORM Adapters for ESR are available for organisations to install on local content servers. These adapters do not require that users have Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed on their devices to play e-Learning. The removal of the reliance on JRE means that organisations can develop content for mobile devices. There are other requirements but these are mainly at an organisation level and so remove the need for configuration changes to individual client machines.

An organisation does not need to install SCORM Adapters if they do not host e-Learning content on a local server

Server Requirements

Your server must meet the following requirements

  • Server must be web facing - Server must not be on an intranet, you must be able to access web server in a browser via the internet
  • Server must have an SSL/TLS Certificate - URLs start with https://
  • Content server must be able to communicate with https://my.esr.nhs.uk and https://my-psup.internal.uk.com
  • Server must support one of the following frameworks, click the appropriate link for more information

The following general guidelines helps to eliminate or limit the locations in which a web server can write to.

By restricting access to where HTML documents as well as the log and configuration files are kept, makes it difficult for an attacker to steal credentials, modify sensitive files and/or place an unauthorised content on the web server.

  • All directories and files under the document root must be restricted (not world-writable).
  • All directories under the document root must not be owned by any web server user.
  • All files under the document root should not be owned by any web server user. ( See "Server-generated content" below for exceptions).
  • All directories and files under the document root should not be group writeable if the owning group contains any web server user. See "Server-generated content" below for exceptions.

Exception (Server-generated content)

Some web applications require the ability to generate content under their site's document root. In these instances, permissions must be set at the lowest level of the directory tree (farthest from the document root).

If your server does not meet all of the above requirements, or cannot be configured to meet them, then you must update your existing JRE SCORM adapter as outlined here JRE

PHP Adapter

Requirements for the server

  • Server must be running PHP version 5.x or PHP 7.x
  • cURL support is enabled.

In the majority of cases the organisation's I.T. Team or Web host support service will be able to verify this. The information can be found by creating a php file that calls the 'phpinfo()' function on the server.

The banner at top of page will give you the version.

Navigate to the cURL section

Ensure cURL support is enabled.

If this is enabled then:

  • Download the PHP SCORM adapter
  • Unzip the SCORM Adapter files onto the same web server as your content server and obtain the URL to the Oracle_SCORM_Adapter_JS.html file
  • Raise an SR requesting that the SCORM adapter be registered on ESR. As part of the SR, provide the full URL for the SCORM adapter and the outbound IP address for the server

Note: If the server does not meet any of the requirements specified, then we will be unable to proceed with the request

Check your configuration or verify if your server supports one of the other frameworks

JSP Adapter

Requirements for the server

In the majority of cases the organisation's I.T. Team or Web host support service will be able to provide details regarding this. However if there is any uncertainty then the NHS Central team has developed a simple file which can be placed on the server to help determine if it is JSP enabled.

The file can be downloaded using the following link Test File.

Once the file has been successfully downloaded, follow the steps below:

  1. Extract the test.jsp file
  2. Copy the file to the e-Learning content server
  3. Obtain the full URL for the test file
  4. Open the file in a web browser

The file is designed to display one of two messages to indicate whether or not the server will support JSP. The message below will be displayed where the file indicates that JSP is supported.

If this is displayed then:

  • Download the JSP SCORM adapter
  • Unzip the SCORM Adapter files onto the same web server as your content server and obtain the URL to the Oracle_SCORM_Adapter_JS.html file
  • Raise an SR requesting that the SCORM adapter be registered on ESR. As part of the SR, provide the full URL for the SCORM adapter and the outbound IP address for the server

Note:If the server does not meet any of the requirements specified, then we will be unable to proceed with the request

If JSP is not supported then then the message below will be displayed

Check your configuration or verify if your server supports one of the other frameworks

ASP Adapter

Requirements for the server

  • Server must be running .NET v4.0
  • Ensure that you have an ASP.NET v4.0 Application Pool with Managed Pipeline Mode - Integrated

If your server meets these requirements:

  • Download the ASP SCORM adapter
  • Unzip the SCORM Adapter files onto the same web server as your content server
  • Convert SCORM adapter folder to an Application (Your web administrator will need to do this)

  • Ensure it has the following properties - your Alias and physical path may be different.

  • Obtain the URL to the Oracle_SCORM_Adapter_JS.html file
  • Raise an SR requesting that the SCORM adapter be registered on ESR. As part of the SR, provide the full URL for the SCORM adapter and the outbound IP address for the server

Note:If the server does not meet any of the requirements specified, then we will be unable to proceed with the request