About Communications and Engagement Team - ESR Hub

Communications and Engagement Team

Our Communications and Engagement Team is responsible for:

  • The development and execution of ESR Service Communications and Engagement Strategy; ensuring that the benefits relating to ESR functionality are appropriately communicated to our Users and stakeholders.
  • National communications and ESR channels such as Twitter, ESR News, websites etc.
  • National and regional strategic engagement with key stakeholders, for example; NHS England, NHS Improvement and NHS Employers
  • Engagement at a local and regional level with NHS Directors of Workforce, ESR Leads, Learning and Development Leads.
  • The NHSBSA ESR team carries out Annual Assessments for all NHS ESR Organisations. This enables the team to track how Organisations are using ESR and support local implementation of ESR functionality. Chief People Officers can request an ESR Annual Assessment by contacting their NHSBSA ESR Regional Team. The contact details are opposite. 
  • Providing local and regional guidance and support, running webinars and workshops to help Organisations better understand the capability of the ESR solution.
  • Providing light touch project management support to Organisations.
  • Working with the ESR Supplier to ensure that operational communications are effective and provide the appropriate guidance for Users and Organisations.



Clare Murdoch

Photograph of Clare Murdoch

Role:  Head of Strategic Communications and Engagement

Email:  clare.murdoch@nhsbsa.nhs.uk

Regional Communications and Engagement Teams

Contact information for regional communications and engagement teams can be found using the links below:

North of England - covering North East, North West, and Yorkshire and Humber

Midlands and East of England - covering East Midlands, West Midlands, East of England


South of England - covering South West, South East, South Central